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Alyson Parker, Executive Director Advocacy Relations

Alyson Parker, AREF Executive Director Advocacy Relations

Alyson has an undergraduate degree in business from Florida State University and a law degree from Stetson University College of Law. She has experience valuable to the AREF having served as a staff member for a former Florida U.S. Representative where she was responsible for the Congressman’s duties for committees, including the Committee on Ways and Means, the Committee on the Judiciary. She drafted legislation and amendments for committee and floor consideration; prepared legal analyses of laws; tracked legislation through House/Senate conference committees, and prepared testimony, press releases, floor statements and speeches.

Following her two-year tour on the Congressman’s staff she worked for seven years in government affairs for two associations in the communications industry and the National Aeronautics and Space Agency.

During the eight years prior to joining the AREF, she had served as legal counsel and chief financial officer for Defense Acquisitions Solutions. She handled legal aspects for the defense consulting firm, including drafting and amending legal documents and government filings and advising on legislative issues affecting clients.