AREF white papers address the need to educate members of Congress, the Administration, federal agencies, advocacy groups and public on important retirement issues.

AREF does research into government documents, Congressional and independent studies and media reports to validate its proposals.

I have updated the NRLN’s white paper for 2021. The title is: It is time to end taxpayer subsidies to the private healthcare insurance industry for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans.

Click here to Read the Document.

Click here to read the Talking Points.

The NRLN supports competition from private healthcare plans and understands the financial challenges ahead for Medicare and the federal budget. However, we do not support bonus and rebate subsidies, or anti-competitive restrictions placed on the original Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) just to preserve the notion that private insurance plans may be more cost effective or provide better care than FFS, when the record shows they are not.